Follow my blog with Bloglovin 30 Day Minimalism Challenge - September | The Mindfulness Blog

30 Day Minimalism Challenge - September

1. stay offline for one day
2. meditate for 15 minutes
3. declutter your digital life
4. no-complaint day
5. identify your 3 to 6 main priorities
6. follow a morning ritual
7. streamline your reading list
8.downsize your beauty collection
9. learn to enjoy solitude
10. no email or social media until lunch
11. evaluate your commitments
12. define your goals for this year
13. clean out your closet
14. take a step towards learning a new skill
15. examine your daily habits
16. don't buy anything for 24 hours
17. practice single-tasking
18. unfollow and unfriend
19. go for a walk and practice mindfulness
20. no tv all day, read instead
21. journal for twenty minutes
22. create a relaxing routine
23. go bare-faced
24. practice gratitude
25. leave a whole day un-planned
26. identify your stress triggers
27. clear your junk draw
28. let go of a goal
29. turn off notifucations
30. evaluate your last five purchases

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