Follow my blog with Bloglovin April 2019 | The Mindfulness Blog

11 Habits Of Successful Women

1 - take full responsibility for their life

2 - prioritise & do the most important tasks

3 - create their morning routine

4 - daily meditation or mindfulness practice

5 - make health and exercise a priority

6 - read & learn continuously

7 - discipline and self control

8 - consistency

9 - follow through with what they say (no excuses, only results)

10 - persistence & perseverance

11 - not afraid to fail


10 Ways To Detach And Not Lose Your Mind

1. Don't give advice unless asked

2. leave the room if you can't be quiet

3. focus on yourself not what they "should be doing"

4. let them experience their own choices

5. stop focusing on their behaviour

6. remove the kids before it becomes unsafe.

7. don't nag them about their responsibilties

8. only help when asked

9. compliment what they ARE doing well

10. let yourself off the hook, it's not your problem
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